Markers and Monuments
Monuments, Upright and Flush Memorials
(Inscription prices can be found under the Miscellaneous Fees heading below)
Monuments (range of prices, includes tax & foundation) $2,662.33 to $11,938.90
The price of your monument will depend upon its size, color, and the inscription length and style placed upon it. Additions to the monument, such as vases, photos, or diamond point etchings or engravings, and year of death inscriptions will be at an additional cost.
Duplicate Upright Memorials Please inquire at office
Chippiannock Cemetery is able to duplicate nearly any existing memorial that is currently on your lot. However, because of the many differences in these memorials from conventional memorials, they must be specially ordered from our supplier. If you would like a memorial that is a duplicate of an existing memorial, please stop by our office and we will be happy to discuss all of the details with you.
Flush Memorials (range of prices, includes tax & foundation) $576.61 to $6,856.43
The price of your flush memorial will depend upon its size, color, material of construction, and the inscription length and style placed upon it. Additions to your flush memorial, such as vases, diamond point etchings or engravings, and year of death inscriptions will be at an additional cost. Flush memorials for infants are priced lower.
Miscellaneous Services
Lot Transfers - $50.00 per deed
Copy of complete rules and regulations - $5.00 per copy
Year of Death Inscriptions, Bronze memorials & name plaques - $75.00+
Year of Death Inscriptions, Granite memorials - $240.00+
Inscriptions on granite memorials will incur a $240.00 set-up fee which includes up to 4 characters, thereafter a charge of $14.00 per character will apply. This is for a standard type inscription only. Some memorials have more complex lettering styles, which are more expensive to duplicate. Please ask for assistance at the office when ordering inscriptions of this type.